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Facebook Home Invasion

The excitement around Facebook was at a all time high last week with the expectations of a mobile phone. What we got instead was an app, wait, a skin, wait... "a completely new experience that lets you see the world through people, not apps." Facebook included a FAQ which I'm going to translate for you.

What is Home? Home is a new Android skin for your Android phone. It turns it into a money making and advertising platform in favor of Facebook but not until you fall in love with it will we turn on all the banners and advertisements. We want to suck you in first.

How can I get Home? Of course we are offering it for free on April 12 through Google's Play Store. You can also buy the experience for $99 on th HTC First which has Home pre-installed. But it's actually only for the most current devices for now too.

Where is Home available? We are testing the U.S first on April 12 but the rest of the world will follow shortly primarily due to Android fragmentation.

What Android phones does Home work on? Because of Android's fragmentation, we were only able to implement Home on a few select devices on launch including two future devices, the previous generation Galaxy and the Note II.

How can I buy a phone with Home on it? AT&T is the first sucker looking for something else besides the iPhone and they will offer the HTC First on April 12.

Is Facebook building a phone? No. We built an experience to install on a phone. Skinning is cheaper.

Is Facebook Home an operating system? No, but we want it to be that way with the family of apps we are going to release. They will become part of your phone.

I'm not sold on it but as Dan Frommer sees it, he thinks there's a market for it. Again, I don't see too many of my friends, if any, who will install this or use it after the first day. Most of us don't live within Facebook but rather visit.

Om Malik published his review and I couldn't agree more.