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Sous Vide via Sansaire for Pork Buns

One of the main reasons why I was so interested in the Sansaire Sous Vide machine... Pork Buns!

...if pork belly cooked through regular means is regular Mario, pork belly cooked sous-vide is Mario with a fire flower and an invincibility star. If regular pork belly is a hot dog, then pork belly sous-vide is a million hot dogs. If regular pork belly is you thinking you're clever for propping up the wobbly table with a folded coaster, then pork belly sous-vide is MacGyver building a bomb out of a tuna fish sandwich and a bobby pin.

I received mine this afternoon via USPS (actually my wife text me a photo asking what this mysterious package was at the door) so it's going to be a week or so until I get my first shot at it but I'm super excited! I'm sure she is too.

I just have to figure out a method for vacuum sealing as I haven't gotten my Vacuvita Machine yet. They do say that a Ziploc bag is all I really need.

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