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Moving Forward without the Headphone Jack

Not being able to charge and listen means quiet drives to work or taking the kids to school. If you need your phone to last all day on a single charge, you will try and keep the battery close to 100 percent until you get to work. (This means not using the Lightning headphones to make calls in states that require hands-free calls while driving either.) The removal of the headphone jack will cause issues for a number of low-income consumers who will purchase the iPhone 7 or another phone without a headphone jack over the next few years. And those issues will persist until Apple delivers a legitimate charging solution that doesn’t cost more than a monthly payment for an iPhone.

Talk to your kids on the way to school. Listen to the radio... seriously? Is this a serious argument? Low Income families should not be purchasing the new iPhone 7 until it becomes an affordable option. You don't see people in India or China complaining about not having the best. This is an American problem and Apple develops for the world.

Sure, some consumers will hold onto their existing iPhones, or upgrade to the iPhone 6 or 6S, but in two years those phones won’t be on sale. And if you want to stay in the iOS ecosystem with an up-to-date phone, there will be no device with a headphone jack, forcing you to spend money to retain features that have become staples in your day-to-day life.

You can always buy a phone that is older than 2 years old from other retail means. Such a crappy article just yelling for attention. No one is forcing you buy a phone. The headphone jack is dead, just like the 5.25 floppy, 3.5" floppy, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM... everything else before it. As much as I hate the dongle, we can only move forward. Onward.

Simple reminder. Remember that 2.5" jack that some phones were using for headphones back before the smartphone? That was irritating. The iPhone made the 3.5" headphone jack the standard on phones.