How is 22,000 in Three Months a Failure

Tesla plunged as much as 6.1 percent Wednesday to $331, the steepest intraday decline since May 4. After the market closed on Monday, the company reported more than 22,000 vehicle deliveries in the second quarter, down from 25,051 in the first three months of the year.

How and when is delivering 22,000 vehicles considered a failure? Wall Street is incredulous!

The Right Continues to Misfire on Technological Advances

Ingraham is now the National Chairman of the organization that just launched the campaign against Musk and his companies.

They market themselves as being against “the entire culture of corporations making billions of dollars off of the American people for almost zero return to the consumer”, but they target very specific industries.

For example, they say they are against “Big Energy” in their manifesto, but in the section about ‘Big Energy’ they only attack the solar industry because they receive tax breaks. Does the solar industry really represent “Big Energy”? If your goal is really to attack energy subsidies, solar and renewable energy subsidies should be your last target considering their share of federal subsidies: Fossil Fuels.

Politics like this I cannot stand. Relentless idiocracy. Utterless stupidity. So what, we continue to run on gas? Idiots. // *frustrated.