Bringing Norah to Disneyland

Bringing an infant to Disneyland proved to be quite a feat. Fortunately a Ms. Erin Foster from, put together a complete guide linked here.20130625-112226.jpgBasically, ANY ride that has a "Child must meet this height requirement" limitation is off limits. Other than that, it's a free for all. Smallworld all day long baby!


Disneyland Post Apocalyptic Crowds

Initially scared by all the news and various media reports that Disneyland was closing and not letting people in due to ovehwleming holiday crowds and even friends warning me that they were close to going insane, driving up to the happiest place on earth was a little bit of a concern.  If you know me, I'm always down, so in the end,  we charged ahead.  Amazing weather to boot, it was a great day!  We didn't really have time to explore certain areas of the park but all in all, we did the "important stuff" minus the water rides.  We even got to hang out with JP and his high school friend Frances. One thing that both Adelle and I never did before was the Toy Story ride and experience the Wonderful World of Color Show at California Adventures.  That show was pretty darn awesome.  They even had a dedicated Tron: Legacy bit choreographed.  Great stuff.

Past Weekend's Haps

The Chargers couldn’t lose because they had a bye week, JR and Veronica had their wedding shower, Adelle convinced me to head out to Disneyland before our pass privileges were set to expire, I got a chance to hang out with Dr. Nourani in Downtown San Diego, and I did a little work in finishing up my migration to my new MacBook Pro.

Disneyland was definitely a great highlight as the lines were short allowing us to ride what we wanted (California Adventures’ Soaring is still the best), the apple pie caramel apple was a delight and the biggest plus was seeing one of my college roommates as a Jedi Knight Instructing young Padawans on stage at a Disneyland show!  Mr. Stephan Oyoung, without a doubt has the best job.  Working 4 days a week teaching kids how to rid the world of the dark side with light saber techniques, what more could you ask in a post graduate occupation?!  Two thumbs up and kudos to you Jedi Oyoung.

On the day of voting, I got to witness a new dawn in Downtown with yet another college buddy, Dr. Nourani and was readily entertained with his residency stories.  I mention a new dawn only because it was about the time when Barack was making his acceptance speech and McCain ending his bid. Bobby's stories make me wonder where I would have been at if I did do a post-bac program in lieu of flight school.   We ate at Marsala (an Indian restaurant of course) which was tremendous but a bit overpriced then made our way to Altitude Sky Bar where we got to see the Madonna Concert without the Madonna.  Good times all around, but once again I find myself commuting back to work.  It’s been a while since I’ve been at the crashpad.  I can’t wait to get the band back together.