Autonomous vehicles help make roads safer

A new study says that while autonomous vehicle technology has great promise to reduce crashes, it may not be able to prevent all mishaps caused by human error.

Auto safety experts say humans cause about 94% of U.S. crashes, but the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety study says computer-controlled robocars will only stop about one-third of them.

Take a look at the first two paragraphs. The headline itself states, “Autonomous vehicles won’t make roads completely safe,” but you could have also stated it as, “Autonomous vehicles will help make the roads a third safer.” This is what I call bullsh*t headlining. The first two paragraphs already show conflict. We know that autonomous vehicles won’t manage and mitigate 100% of all accidents but we do know that 94% of automobile accidents are caused by human error so… let’s reduce that by a third and that’s lives saved. What’s the freaking issue? Let’s continue to make improvements and not title this articles like it isn’t working.