iPhone 7 Plus' Camera Kills the Competition

Today the iPhone 7 Plus became way better at capturing the most important thing in our lives: the people we love. If you haven't already, be sure to download iOS 10.1 (Settings > General > Software Update) and give it a shot. You'll be capturing stunning portraits in no time.

Impressive and indeed, game-changing.

Finally...a Digital Camera That I Like

It's about time Canon took the lid off their newest additions to their digital camera offerings.  Set to be available at your local retailed by October, Canon is updating their Amateur, better than just the normal point and shoot, G10 and both point and shoot SD990 IS and SD890.  Both cameras offer Canon's new DIGIC 4 image processor and shoot a high 14.7 megapixel. 

The G10 is more focused towards the guy who doesn't want to lug around a Digital SLR but wants a little more features than the P&S cameras.  The 990 varies from the 890 with the inclusion of a view finder but thus sacrificing the given space for a smaller LCD, which we all know doesn't matter.  The view finder is definitely more important than and extra half inch of screenage. 

G10 SD990

I'm still tinkering with the idea of replacing my 4.0MP Sony P9 that I bought in 2002 for $600 or so dollars, which by the way still performs and captures what I need it to do, but I have to admit that after borrowing a few of my friends newer cameras, it just puts mine to shame.  My flash takes forever to recharge, the LCD is tiny the battery life is shot and the storage capacity of the older Sony Memory Sticks require me to dump my photos very often.  

I just can't quite decide which camera I want though.  I'm all for having a digital SLR, but again, I don't want to lug it around with me to a club, where as the SD 990 would be a perfect substitute for that.  Having an DSLR and a P&S would be ideal, but currently, I'm all for just having one piece of good hardware for now.  So, which will it be --  A P&S or a mid range sub-compact?  Straight from SizeEasy, here is a cut out of the dimensions side by side in 3D.  Obviously, the yellow image is the larger Canon G10 while the purple displays the SD990 IS. 

G10 vs SD990

With the downturn in the economy, the rumor of a new Macbook Pro from Apple and the salary that I get, looks like I'll be working extra hard in the next few months to finance the new toys.  :-)  Oh yeah, Christmas is coming too...

Below are Gizmodo's two blogs on the cameras. 

Gizmodo: Canon PowerShot G10 14.7MP Flagship Sub-DSLR Goes Wide-Angle

Gizmodo: Canon PowerShots SD990 and SD880 Offer Image Stablization, Shininess