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Sad day...

Well, the pressure was on and the Bolts weren't able to pull through. We had a good rally and tried to help LT break the record but with no success. I never thought that I would ever get emotionally over football, let alone the Chargers, but damn, I was really mad. In every game that we have lost, we have lost with the lead in the 4th with the opposing team making the winning drive within the last few minutes of the game. It was an absolute disaster! I remember watching the pregame and every player on Phillys team was asked how they were going to stop LT. They did their job and quite well too. I rememeber that they were also talking about how LT needed a new name, I was thinking that Jojo's name of Boltron be a good one, but now, I just don't know. (check out his icon)

So, after waking up to the Chief Flight Instructor of CAPT giving me a call to give us a heads up on Hurricane evac, I ended up going back to sleep because he said we were okay. So of course, I started to continually dream about evacuating and the procedures involved. It wasn't pretty...the dreams I mean. It was restless sleep so I just decided to wake up and get going on my new big breakfast ordeal. I woke up to Jeremy making some Chocolate Chip pancakes. They were awesome. I even went back to my old school ways. I had some with syrup and some with butter and sugar. I actually preferred the latter. I guess that I was just accustomed to being not able to have syrup as a kid. It was a great childhood. I miss it!