Going All the Way!!!

I figured that since I'm pretty serious with training for a Sprint Tri I have to enhance my personal motivation, so I took the next step and I committed myself.  I signed up for the San Diego Tri-Rock Series which takes place on September 12, 2010.

This specific Sprint Tri includes a 500m swim, 20km bike followed by a 5K run.  I'm not that scared but you can say that the swim frightens me a little bit.  I was able to swim 600m the other day at the apartment pool but I was taking breaks here and there.  My next goal this week is to really condition myself at the local YMCA or maybe the LA Fitness.  I'm not sure how I'm going to do this but I have some time!

Time I have left to train for my first sprint tri: [fergcorp_cdt_single date="September 12, 2010"]